A new era for Europe’s academic medicine.

Johan van Eldere, the recently appointed Secretary-General of the European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) advocates for a unified European approach to healthcare challenges. He detailed his strategic objectives for the EUHA in a recent discussion published on the organization’s website. In the interview, Van Eldere elaborates on his plans to elevate EUHA’s influence within the European Union (EU) and to foster stronger collaboration among member hospitals.

Identifying the underrepresentation of hospitals at the EU level as a key challenge, van Eldere aims to position EUHA as a significant stakeholder in EU healthcare discussions. He contrasts the current representation of hospitals with that of the industry and patient organizations, which have been more successful in influencing EU directives and regulations.

Hospitals, probably because healthcare is still a national competence, appear to focus on the regional or national level.

Van Eldere’s strategy includes advocating for the interests of university hospitals and the broader healthcare sector, addressing the impact of EU regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Medical Device Regulation (MDR), and the In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (IVDR) on healthcare.

Advancing EUHA’s influence and collaboration

A critical element of his vision is to strengthen the operational alliance among EUHA hospitals. This involves collaborative projects aimed at improving the quality of patient care, with the goal of establishing a network of the largest university hospitals in Europe. This network would facilitate the rapid production and sharing of detailed healthcare information and support cross-border research initiatives.

Acknowledging the importance of community support within EUHA, van Eldere calls for increased participation and investment in collaborative projects from individuals across all member hospitals. He highlights the success of initiatives like the H2O and Join4ATMP projects as examples of the impact collaborative efforts can have.

The European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) is a closed network of leading European university hospitals with a strong track record of excellence in tertiary care, research and education, according to the organization’s website.

Source: EUHA, Fredric Möller Eklund & Martina Garriga Ferrer
